Worried about something?

Worried about a friend?

Everyone needs support at different times in their lives! If you are worried about a friend and are not sure how to deal with it, you can always talk to an adult in school.

Otherwise, you can click on this link to fill out a form anonymously to tell us your concerns.

Worried about home?

If you are worried about things at home, it's a good idea to talk to a parent about what's worrying you.

Sometimes, we might need help working out what to say and you can always talk to your tutor or head of year for some ideas about how to approach it. We hope that everyone feels able to speak to a range of adults in school about anything.

If the adults at home are worried, there are some useful ideas on our Support for Parents or Carers page. They can also contact the school for a confidential conversation with Mrs Trueick or another member of our safeguarding team. They have access to lots of areas of support for families.

Worried about something online?

The online world brings lots of challenges with it. Don't worry if something goes wrong online - it happens to many people. Staff at school can help you sort out problems if you don't want to talk to your parents.

Please feel free to approach your head of year or a member of the safeguarding team if you need support.

Childline can also be a useful place to look.

Visit Childline

Worried about yourself?

We all have good days and bad days and sometimes those days stretch on. It's good and important to talk about it when we feel able. You are always welcome to talk to any adult in school and they can listen and try to point you in the right direction.

Here are some apps that some people like to use in harder times. You can search for them on your phones or tablets. They would be good places to look if it’s outside school hours.

Moodometer (helps you to track and understand mood changes)

Smiling Mind (has mindfulness activities)

Self Help Anxiety (helps you to track your anxious feelings)

Grief (when you have lost someone)

Calm Harm (when you are thinking about self harm)

Mee Two (support with issues to do with social media)

Here are some other organisations that some people find helpful:

No Limits (local support for pretty much everything) - 02380 224 224

Childline - 0800 1111

Sane (emotional wellbeing) - 0845 767 8000

The Samaritans (when feeling sad or suicidal) - 116 223

Simon Says (when someone has died) - 02380 647 550

Talk to Frank (honest facts, support and advice on drugs and alcohol) - 0800 776 600

Anti-bullying alliance

Solent Pulse (a text messaging service where parents, carers and young people can text in confidence for help from a qualified nurse.) - text line 07491 163 278

Beat (help with eating concerns) - 0808 801 0677

Runaway Helpline (if you have run away or are thinking about it) - 116 000