Admissions policies

Admissions Policy and Information 2023-2024 (For in year applications)

Click here to make an in year application if you are resident in Southampton

If you are resident in Hampshire, Dorset or Wiltshire, you need to apply via your own Local Authority.

If you are applying under categories 1, 2, 5, 6, 8, 9, 11 you must complete a SIF and return it to the school with the requested evidence. Your daughter will be placed in category 12 until the SIF and evidence are received and approved. Please note, it is not possible to apply under category 4 (musical aptitude), category 7 (named Catholic feeder school) or category 10 (named Christian primary school) for an in year application.

St Anne’s admission appeals are handled by Southampton City Council. More information can be found here: Making an admissions appeal (

SIF 2023-2024

Admissions FAQ

Admissions Policy

Admissions policy and documents 2024-2025 (Pupils currently in year 6 - this will now be classed as a late application) 

Admissions Policy and SIF 2024-2025

SIF 2024-2025

Category 5 Guidance sheet 2024-2025

Admissions policy and documents 2025-2026 (Pupils currently in year 5. Please note applications will open via your local authority in September 2024)



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