
All aspects of safeguarding, including child protection, are central to the work of St Anne’s Catholic School where we seek to reverence the ‘dignity, diversity and vulnerability of all’ (school vision statement).  Every student must expect a high standard of pastoral care and concern for their wellbeing.

Our policy applies to all staff, governors and volunteers working in the school. There are five main elements to our policy:

  • Ensuring adults have the correct knowledge required to keep the young people of the community safe.
  • Ensuring that young people are educated in the challenges of living in this rapidly changing world and are equipped to be safe and to identify warning signs.
  • Ensuring the correct policies and procedures are in place for identifying and reporting concerns.
  • Ensuring that young people who have formal child protection or other plans in place are fully supported.
  • Ensuring that the school is a safe environment in which children can learn and develop, including the practice of safer recruitment.

Click here to view our full Safeguarding Policy

If you have any concerns regarding the safety and wellbeing of our children, please contact our Designated Safeguarding Lead (DSL), Mrs Leat on 02380 328200.  A member of the pastoral team also monitors the email address: but please telephone the school if you think your concern is urgent.  Out of hours, you should consider contacting the police on 101.  For all immediate emergencies, please call 999.  You could also look at our 'Worried about something' page on this website.

The Safeguarding Team

Safeguarding Lead - Mrs Leat

Senior Pastoral Manager and Deputy Safeguarding Lead - Mrs Trueick

Deputy Safeguarding Leads - Mrs Iles, Mrs Judd, Mrs Trott, Mr Waterfield

Catholic Life at St Anne's