Considering joining us as a pupil?

Thank you for your interest in joining our school family! We hope that this website will give you a good idea about whether or not St Anne’s will be right for you. We welcome people from all over Southampton and beyond.

We are a Catholic school but we don’t expect everyone here to be a Christian. We do, however, expect everyone to respect and support our special ethos (our ethos is what we do and how it feels to come to our school).

Open Events and requesting a tour

The main opportunity to visit us and to see school in action is on our autumn open morning and evening. We welcome visitors for small group tours in the morning (arrival 9am to 10am) when you can see a typical school day. We then host a traditional open evening starting at 6pm, which is your opportunity to speak to members of staff as well as for you to see what each subject would be like. This year, these open events took place on Wednesday 27th September and next year they will take place on Wednesday 25th September 2024 and booking information can now be found here and on our social media (@StAnnesUK).

If you were unable to attend the open evening or were unable to watch the speeches on the evening, a recording of the speeches from our September 2023 open evening can be accessed here:

In the summer term, we also have some opportunities to see the school in action at summer open mornings, for those with daughters currently in Years 4 and 5.

If you have missed the opportunity to attend our open mornings on 9th and 10th July 2024 or are unable to attend the open events on Wednesday 25th September 2025, then you can request a tour at other points in the year, subject to staff availability. Please fill out our online form to request one.

Request a tour

If you would like a copy of the prospectus, please visit our school reception.

Young women with vision

“My experience with St Anne’s has been nothing less than wonderful. It has been an amazing academic journey since day one and has made me more confident as a person.”

Hear from the students

Admissions process for year 7

Our Musical Aptitude Test for girls wishing to apply to St Anne's for entry to Year 7 in September 2025 will take place in early October 2024.  Full details can be found in our policy and the 'Category 4 guidance sheet' on the policies section of the website.

3 pieces of advice for main round on time applications for entry to Year 7 2025: 

  1. Apply on time. The deadline is 31st October 2024.
  2. Use all your choices, even if you only want your daughter to go to St Anne’s.
  3. Supply all the information required.

We encourage all parents to ensure that they make an online application via their Local Authority and put their preferred school as first choice. 

All applicants are also requested to complete the online Supplementary Information Form (SIF). The Supplementary Information Form should be completed electronically via Applica and the link for doing so will appear on this page by 1st September 2024. Failure to do so will mean that your child may not be placed in the correct category and this is likely to affect your child’s chance of being offered a place.

Please do read the SIF carefully, ensure you choose the highest category that applies to your daughter and supply any information/evidence requested. You are able to translate the form and to save it and return to it before submission but you must ensure it is submitted by the SIF deadline Monday 2nd December 2024.

We have pupils who come from a wide range of primary schools and from different areas of the city and beyond. For pupils who are unsuccessful in obtaining a place, we hold a waiting list and this is regularly reviewed and places are offered as places become available; typically due to pupils moving overseas or out of the area.

Information about how places have been allocated in previous years can be found here (see the section on oversubscription criteria):

Admissions process for years 8-11

In Year Applications 

If you need to apply for a place outside the normal entry to year 7, you can do this through your own local authority.  You need to read our policy and complete a SIF (Supplementary Information Form) if required (see below).  SIFs are then returned directly to the Admissions Officer at St Anne’s Catholic School, via reception or by email (  

Please do not apply for a school place if you are not yet living in the UK.  If you do live in the UK, you will need to be able to show your move is confirmed and upcoming.

To apply for the start of the next academic year, please apply after the middle of July, when all waiting lists are reset.

Waiting list

As an oversubscribed school, St Anne’s operates a waiting list system. The full details are in the admissions policy (link). When you apply, you are placed in the correct place on the waiting list, depending on the evidence we have at the time of application. You can always update this information if you move house or return your SIF.  When you reach the top of the waiting list, you will be given the next available place if one becomes available.

The waiting list is cleared on 31 July and you would need to reapply for the following year at this point.

You will be advised of the outcome of your application in writing as soon as possible.  Applicants must be informed of the outcome of their application within 15 school days of receipt of the application by the school, but the aim is to notify applicants of the outcome of their application within 10 school days of receipt.

You have the right to appeal to an independent appeal panel if your application is unsuccessful.

If you have any questions in relation to in-year admissions please contact  You may also wish to discuss in-year applications with your local authority.



To view our admissions policies of for details of how to make for an in year application please visit our policies page or click here.

In Year SIF 2023-2024

Admissions FAQ
St Anne's 6th Form logo

Joining our 6th Form?

Please see our 6th form website for details and for an application form.

Go to 6th Form website

Travelling to St Anne’s

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