Compulsory (from Skoolkit or Kool Skools)
Please note:
Leggings must not be worn.
Coats must be removed inside the school buildings.
Head Coverings
For those pupils who, for religious reasons, wish to cover their heads in school, the head covering should be plain navy blue and worn without any decoration. The navy blue should match the school uniforms navy blue.
P.E. kit
Compulsory from Skoolkit or Kool Skools:
Polo Shirt with logo
PE shorts OR PE Trackpants (students can have both if they wish but this is not compulsory, leggings are not allowed.
You can purchase online or in store.
Skoolkit have a branch in Totton (SO40 3BX) and a branch in Eastleigh (SO50 9FF).
Compulsory items from any supplier:
Optional additional PE kit items:
From Skoolkit or Kool Skools
From any supplier
Further information
For more detailed information about uniform including rules relating to jewellery and hair, please download our Uniform Policy.